Member Benefits
Member Benefits
Membership in your state association is an important part of your profession. The South Dakota Optometric Society provides many benefits that will enhance your practice and your career. Along with the tangible and educational benefits of membership, the SDOS and AOA provide many intangible benefits that are important for you individually as well as for optometry as a profession.
Why Join?
The SDOS and AOA are your advocates before state and federal legislators, national providers, Medicare, Medicaid and other professional organizations. Both the SDOS and AOA constantly monitor these groups at the state and federal level to ensure that the interests of you and your patients are protected. Because optometry is a legislated profession, representation in these arenas is by far the most valuable benefit of your membership. You can be a part of optometry's voice by serving on a SDOS committee and being politically active.
Insurance and Retirement Plans
Planning for your future and protecting yourself, your family and your practice are essential for your peace of mind. SDOS/AOA membership gives you access to:
- Medical and Dental plans
- Life/Disability/Hospital Indemnity insurance programs
- Retirement Planning Program
- Low-cost Professional Liability Insurance
Money Saving Discounts
SDOS/AOA membership benefits:
- Reduced rates at continuing education events and conferences
- Practice appraisals
- Equipment leasing
- Custom telephone message service
- Human Resources Assistance for your practice
- Reduced rates on package delivery service with UPS
- Discounted car rental fees
- Long distance telephone service reduced rates
- AOA member Mastercard
- Student Debt Consolidation Service
Section Membership Opportunities
AOA membership opens the door to special interest sections, all providing quarterly newsletters, education opportunities and discounts:
- Contact Lens and Cornea Section
- Low Vision Rehabilitation Section
- Sports Vision Section
- Paraoptometric Section

Educational Excellence
The SDOS is the leading provider of quality continuing education in South Dakota. Twice each year, SDOS provides continuing education hours to fit your needs.The AOA provides top-notch clinical education at the annual Optometry's Meeting conference.

Public Exposure for Optometry
Your membership in the SDOS and AOA helps keep a steady stream of information about primary care optometry in front of the public. AOA has a longstanding public relations program through the print media and public service announcements. The AOA also develops media for use in print and television that can be used on the state level to promote optometric care.
Public Service
In conjunction with the AOA, the SDOS participates in the InfantSEE® program, which is a national program that provides no-cost evaluations for babies in their first year of life. This program helps detect early childhood eye disorders such as amblyopia and strabismus for thousands of children across the country.
Leading Edge Information
Membership in the SDOS and AOA gives you access to the best periodicals in the profession: The AOA News, Journal of the AOA and the SDOS's Focal Point
The SDOS maintains the Classified Ads for members online to advertise positions and equipment, both needed and for sale. The Classifieds are updated daily at the SDOS office and available anytime to members upon request or by downloading a copy from the SDOS website.
The AOA provides information for your practice through the HIPAA Compliance Manual and compliance updates, as well as the Optometric Clinical Practice Guidelines. Membership in the AOA also entitles you to the use of the International Library, Archives and Museum of Optometry (ILAMO), one of America's finest visual science libraries.
Both the SDOS and AOA support websites for up to the minute information about association activities.
Practice Support
As an AOA member, you will have full access to AOAExcel™. This business unit of the AOA can help your practice grow and thrive, with financial, insurance, HIT and career services.
For new graduates, membership is especially important. The SDOS is a great resource for questions about issues such as securing a DEA number, networking opportunities, practice purchasing opportunities, and buying group information. The AOA offers Optometry's Career Center, a Managed Care Resource Guide, a Practice Resource Center and a Resource Guide for Employed/Affiliated Optometrists.
You can submit Coding and Billing questions to the SDOS's third party committee, as well as learn from the questions that other members have asked.
The AOA provides a Dr. Locator service (with a link through the SDOS's website) so that patients can easily find your practice.
Think About Your Eyes listing is free for SDOS members!
SDOS pays the basic membership listing on this website for all members. This doctor locator is driven by a national multimedia ad campaign. Last year, as a result of the media campaign, optometric exams increased by 5.2%, contact lens purchases increased by 3.9%, lens purchases were up 10.1% and frame sales posted a 6.4% increase. Check it out today at
Optometric Community
The SDOS is the largest network of optometrists in the state of South Dakota. Many professional opportunities, friendships, mentorships and professional relationships have grown from contacts made at SDOS events.
Patient Education Resources
Membership in the SDOS gives you access to AOA pamphlets, video programs, vision care manuals and eye charts through the AOA Order Department at special AOA member pricing. The AOA also provides promotional information for nationwide programs such as Save Your Vision Month, National Diabetes Month and Glaucoma Awareness Month.