Medical Home


Patient-Centered Medical Home - Where does Optometry fit in?

Doctor of OptometryThe AOA remains concerned that this model may restrict access to eye and vision care and that the patient-centered medical home may resemble that gatekeeper model reflective in earlier managed care delivery systems.

Although there are several proposed variations of the patient-centered medical home, proponents seek to restructure traditional reimbursement practices, which currently encourage physician specialization, to support personalized primary care, with primary care physicians serving as coordinators of the health needs of their patients. The medical home concept is being promoted as a mechanism to provide a more efficient and cost-effective care delivery model for all patients, regardless of whether they have a chronic condition, an episode of illness or the need for health promotion and prevention.

Core Principles of a Medical Home:

The AOA remains concerned that this model may restrict access to eye and vision care and that this may resemble that gatekeeper model reflective in earlier managed care delivery systems. AOA urges optometrists to be aware of this recent growing trend in the transformation of the health care arena and to actively advocate optometrists role and value as primary eye care providers. Please be advised that this concept is being promoted at both the state and the federal level. Optometrists are encouraged to use the below AOA policy documents to advocate for optometry.

State Initiatives

Federal Initiatives

Insurance Plan/Employer Interest

Additional Resources