National Commission on Vision and Health

Nomination Form

The mission of the National Commission on Vision and Health is to improve the nation's visual health by collaborating with experts in science and health policy to ensure informed analysis and policy recommendations in order to prevent blindness, improve vision function and eliminate vision health disparities. The goal is to assure that the role of optometry and vision care is integrated into public health programs at the national, state and local levels.

The Commission will provide authoritative information and advice concerning health policy to decision-makers, health professionals, and the public at large.  Work of the Commission will be shared in consensus reports of expert study committees; symposia and convocations engaging multiple stakeholders in debates of national issues; proceedings from conferences and workshops; and "white papers" on policy issues of special interest.

The Commission will be composed of nine members who are appointed by the President of the American Optometric Association, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees. There will be three optometrists and six non-optometrists who represent the broadest array of stakeholders and expertise in health care. A slate of proposed members will be presented by the Commission Nominating Committee to the AOA President for approval.

Who Should Be Nominated?

The National Commission on Vision and Health is designed to obtain the broadest input on matters of public health policy. The Commission seeks to maintain a balanced composition of members from the local, regional, and national levels with a range of professions and backgrounds, including but not limited to national leaders, medical and public health professionals, administrators, and academicians who have a broad public perspective.

Characteristics of nominees

The Commission is seeking nominees who will:

Nominees should represent one or more of the following:


Nomination Form

You are invited to nominate individuals who meet one or more of the characteristics listed below and who you know and have worked with on previous health care issues.

Please complete the Nomination Form and send electronically to John Whitener, OD, MPH, The Nomination Committee will only consider nominations using this form.

Deadline for nominations is November 2, 2007.